I had such sweet big siblings in this colorful and fun newborn session in my Murrysville studio. They were opposite personalities, so I was ready to pull out all my tricks! I always make sure we have something to work with because I know (as a mom and a photographer) that siblings aren't always the best listeners and just want to do what they want. Babes, I get it! But don't worry! I love working with kids and have tons of experience with kids of all ages, so there are so many different ways to connect with those big sibs. They were here first and are probably feeling a little neglected, so I love showering them with attention and creating a relationship first. This big brother was outgoing and ready to party, while sissy was on the shy and more serious side. It is so so important to realize these differences and cater to the needs of each child in a unique way. Not every kid wants you in their face and some want those silly sounds and movements. I love figuring out those puzzles. In the end, we got so many sweet and varied expressions. Plus, we got to play and actually have fun in the session! So don't be scared to bring in your big sis or bro (or all of them!). I can't wait to meet your family! Book your session now!
Pittsburgh Fine Art Maternity PhotographyI'm sure you've heard the term "fine art" used before, but what does it really mean when it comes to photography? There really can be many reasons photographers use the term. In my case, it means I create a specialized, studio session for you, using looks that are unique and not something you would do in your everyday photography session. In turn, you get gorgeous, artistic photographs that you will want to show off and put up all over your home! You will feel like a true work of art, and your products will be timeless. And someday, you can show your grandkids what a hottie you were back in your day. :) One of my favorite aspects of my sessions is the focus is on you, rather than where you are, like in most outdoor sessions. It is all about fabulous you and that sweet bump.
NOW is the time to be a little extra and really lean into loving yourself. Even though it feels like an eternity (girl, I get it), you are really only pregnant for a very short time in your life. Why not wear THAT gown or show off your amazing curves with some draped fabric, or none at all! Growing a human is an insane, hard, and unexplainable experience, so this is the way to remember it, focusing on your Earth Mother Creation of Life vibes! Check out some of my favorite recent images I have created with clients and let's talk about what we can do to make you feel like the goddess that you are! I absolutely love where maternity photography is headed. It is ALL about embracing yourself and your changing body by showing.it.off. I had two wildly different pregnancies with my kids, the first time around struggling with my body changes and how it effected teaching fitness classes and working. But my second pregnancy, I was all about loving on that bump and proudly displaying it. I love incorporating bold colors to show power, alongside strong and sexy poses. Growing, pregnant bodies are amazing and that part of the journey is so short! I don't know if I'll ever have the chance to be pregnant again, but I do know that I have beautiful images to show my kids that their mommy was proud to grow them and all bodies are beautiful.
Demi definitely showed that off in her session. I mean, stunner! She made things so easy and was so sweet. She was going for a classic, but modern maternity look, focused on monochromatic looks and a sleek, black bodysuit. The bodysuit is definitely a favorite look for many of my clients. I love working with clients to find poses that suit and flatter their bodies. And, don't forget the partners! They are so important to the whole process, too. Jeremy was so easy going and ready to fully be a part of the session. I love the intimate moments we created between the two. I can't wait to meet this little one in a few months and watch this sweet, family grow. Do you love color like me? I get so excited when clients let me mix up colors throughout the session. I truly love to incorporate the rainbow for your little sweet one. In this gallery, they had planned on getting wall art for a few of the images, so I always keep that in mind to make sure that your images will look beautiful together on a wall, while also providing choices and diversity in your gallery. Sometimes colors that you don't expect to love turn out to be your favorite (I hear this all the time for green and yellow set ups). That's why I love working with you to discuss your vision for the session, combined with my expertise and shopping problem. Together we will create art.
Is this little girl not insanely gorgeous? She looks so beautiful in every set up and we were able to capture so many different expressions and personality. I also love incorporating family shots into your session because, truly, THAT is what matters. Your little one wants to see how beautiful you were as a young mom holding her in your arms. Even though mommas often don't feel necessarily their best when they come in to the studio, they leave feeling amazing and so happy they let themselves be IN the photos. Let's get you in the photos! How many people can say they've been friends with someone since 4th grade? I am blessed to have a handful of close friendships from elementary school. We celebrate each others' joys, hold space for each other in hard times, and feel like our own family is growing with each new addition. I couldn't wait to capture Jenn's first pregnancy in some gorgeous fall colors at Mellon Park in Pittsburgh. We were able to incorporate the season with tons of foliage and rich, warm colors and some fun architecture. I am so insanely happy for these two and the life they are creating together. I can't wait to welcome little Theo into this world and watch him run around with all these other little boys and girls we've brought into our circle. Love you guys and you deserve all the best and happiest moments. <3
Not only have I had the privilege of photographing both of these beautiful children since birth, but I have also had the joy of being good friends with their momma for over 15 years! Holy cow, there is nothing like watching your friends grow into mommas and experience that roller coaster together.
We had a lot of fun recreating some of the sets that we did with big brother, like the Steelers garb and the Winnie the Pooh sets, while making each a little different and giving them a "girly" twist. Check out some of those side by sides below! I also know how much they love Pooh, so I had a special outfit made and we used the same backdrop from her big brother's cake smash to make something unique but familiar. One of my favorite things in newborn sessions is incorporating things that are important to the family. For instance, we used Emma's mom's veil and wedding dress for a few shots. These were generational, making them that much more special for the images. It is so fun meshing together items that I have in the studio with things that parents bring in to create beautiful art, capturing those first moments. I can't get over how much these babies change within even the first few months. That's why newborn photos and birth photos are so important to me. You will never see those tiny fingers and sweet little mouths in the same way. That's the beauty of parenting, though, right? Each stage is so treasured and short. We can freeze those little toes in time with an image. I can't wait for their gorgeous album and wood wall art piece to come in to show off, too! Are you ready to get on the schedule? Find out more here, and let's freeze those tiny moments! Would you just look at this little nugget!? Isn’t she such a CUTIE!!! No pun intended (like oranges? get it?). Skylar Mae’s amazing Dads decided to throw her a citrus themed 1st birthday party, hence the lemons and limes. I just absolutely love how gorgeous the shades of yellows look on her skin tone and I can not stand how much of a ham she was for the camera. I had a blast singing and dancing and she just smiled and bobbed along the whole time. Dad, Joe, was maybe an even bigger ham as he did the majority of singing and dancing, I guess that is what happens when Dad is a dance teacher and performer. Joe and I have actually performer together before and now it is so exciting to help capture these early moments for his growing family. I first met Skylar for her newborn photos, and it is amazing to see how much she has grown and how big her personality has gotten in one year. Her birthday party photos looked like so much fun with all the lemons and limes. I am excited to continue to watch Skylar grow! Interested in learning more about first year sessions? Click here!
This new family of four, run by boys, just welcomed Baby Charlie Graham . I have been so grateful to be apart of capturing her family grow over the years and knowing her as a friend. She rules. In-home newborn sessions are a great opportunity for a relaxed homey environment. The best thing is your home doesn't have to be "photo-ready". We will work together to create a space that photographs beautifully and provides that cozy and dreamy vibe you look for in baby photos. Baby Charlie was such a little sweetie and I was able to get so many photos with those big eyes popping back at me! In true older toddler fashion, Charlie's big bro was a squirmy wormy. But guess what...we captured him exactly as he was at that moment, squirms and all. It is not about perfection, but rather the experiences and moments of your individual and unique family with the newest member. It definitely always makes the session more fun and exciting with siblings. We can not wait to continue to watch this family grow and capture them through the upcoming years. It is always such an amazing feeling to see friends as their lives blossom and grow their families. Interested in learning more about having your own in-home snuggle session? Fill out the contact form here so we can chat!
Pittsburgh Home Birth Story 2021Welp, it has been a long time coming., but, dang, birth is a process and definitely takes some mental and physical healing afterwards. Not to mention, sleep isn't really happening around here, so I am doing what I can every day. You get it. But holy cow, I had such a TREMENDOUS Pittsburgh birth team, and I couldn't not acknowledge them and their part of our journey. Before we even got pregnant this time around, I knew I wanted to have a home birth. I had such a traumatic and unsupported first birth experience and could not imagine going through that again. As soon as I knew we were pregnant, I was on the hunt for a midwife. It is really sad that PA has such ridiculous restrictions on home birth midwives, making the choices for birthing women very limited. Luckily, I ended up with an amazing group called New Mercies Midwifery, and fell in love with my midwife. Monthly she would visit my home, in the evening so that Joel could even be there (he never got to go to an appointment for Eliza). That allowed Eliza to even be a part of the journey. She watched me get my blood pressure taken, blood drawn, and belly checked with so much interest, she eventually would join in and do the same check ups on mom and dad, without flinching. She was even allowed to try out the stethoscope herself. Like seriously, so much love and trust there. The appointments were an hour or more, just chatting about the pregnancy, mental health, questions, life, and crazy toddler tales. I trusted the process every step of the way and tried my best to keep my body aligned and prepared, through stretching, exercise, and monthly (eventually weekly) visits to my favorite girl, Bethany, at B Well Chiropractic. She is the bomb. Go see her now. I also obsessively listened to every single home birth podcast out there and took tons of vitamins (I had to make myself a checklist to make sure I took everything daily). It was a lot, but so worth it to me. I also had my prenatal meetings with my doula, Lisa, from Golden Lotus Doulas. She was so attentive and had tons of awesome and practical information for us. Eliza loved her and wanted to play with her every time she visited. My hope with a doula was to have someone to help Joel know what to do and to press the living heck out of my back, since I had rough sauce back labor the first time around. Golden Lotus Doulas are angels. Just saying. OKAY, anyway...so with Eliza, I never had the chance to go into labor on my own. I had no clue what that would feel like. I was very well acquainted with Braxton Hicks contractions to the point that I felt like I was just having one big one all day long for the entire month leading up to Finn's birth. But, since Eliza was in no rush to come out, I kept it in my head that he would also be fashionably late. I didn't get any cervical checks leading up to labor or use any kind of interventions, like a membrane sweep or induction. I knew he would come when he was good and ready. So, I hung out, enjoying those last few weeks of being a family of three and trying to make Eliza feel extra special and loved. One day, I was feeling extra motivated (hello, nesting), and decided to go to all my favorite stores to walk all 210lbs of myself around and buy random stuff I felt like I wanted and definitely didn't need. It was a gorg day and I felt great (other than my hugely swollen feet). I had been done working for about a week already since at this point, I was 6 days past my "due date" (made up things). I came home and felt some more intense Braxton Hicks and had my "show", but wasn't sure if I should think much of it, since it could still be days before true labor. I told Joel I wanted to inflate the birth tub just in case. My friend even texted me "Are you in labor?" at 7pm, to which I promptly told her I think she might be psychic and I possibly am. Ha! But, of course, I kept it to myself to avoid any kind of chaos or pressure on myself. Joel and I put Eliza to bed and he followed suit. I was uncomfortable but didn't want to worry Joel, so I just worked on editing photos for a few hours, pushing through the discomfort. I texted my birth team, just letting them know something "might be happening". I tried to go to sleep around 11pm, but only laid in bed for about a half an hour when I felt a liquid dribble. I got out of bed and knew it definitely wasn't pee, but it wasn't that "pop" sound they talk about. I hung out in the bathroom for a little, breathing through the contractions. At around 1:30am, I decided I needed some help, as the contractions were coming at about 45-1 minutes long every 3 or so minutes, so I woke up Joel saying, "Hey, I think I am in labor". A short, quick labor, I thought? Let's do this! Joel helped me through the contractions as we enjoyed my serene birthing space that I had set up, with twinkle lights, a birth pool, affirmation cards, and candles. It was so lovely. Around 4am, we decided to call our midwife, doula, and photographer. Everybody got there between 5-6am and just kind of hung out for a bit. At that point, we woke up Eliza for her uncle to take her to daycare. Holy confused. She walked out to a group of strangers, a filled up tub in the living room, and mood lighting. It only took about a minute for her to realize everyone was there to play with her, of course, and to grab Lisa (doula) to help her with some puzzles before she left. Besties. After she left, things seemed to slow down. At that point, I went into the labor land they talk about, where your brain gets kind of fuzzy. I think it was around 2pm when my midwife, Mary, asked if I wanted to be checked. I was very reluctant and told her she could check me for her own knowledge, but not to tell me. When she checked me, she made a smile that told me I might want to know. "Okay, tell me," I said. "You are a six and can stretch to a seven." I burst into tears. Literally. I got to 1/2 cm with Eliza after 18 hours of pitocin contractions at the hospital. I couldn't believe I had made it that far. I was already so proud of myself. That little number gave me so much motivation to push on. Anytime I would feel contractions start to slow, I would sit on the toilet, since that seemed to be the place where they were the most intense. I did take some time in the shower and the tub, but everytime I touched water (even though it felt amaaaaazing), everything came to a halt. This was super sad to me because I had really wanted a water birth. But, I knew that you could not have any set in stone plans and needed to be flexible as every birth was different and unique. So I let that go quickly and got back into what I could do to continue progressing. At one point, Mary mentioned that I still had a "bulging bag", meaning my waters had not fully broken (they were just leaking earlier), and the baby's head was pressing on it. Even though I wanted as few interventions as possible, we decided to break my waters since I had already been in labor almost 24 hours at that point. I also had a cervical lip, so Mary was going to try to pull that down in the process. The first attempt was unsuccesful using the hook, but when she tried to pull the cervical lip, I felt that crazy popping sensation and there it was. HOLY CRAP THAT IS SO MUCH LIQUID. And it doesn't stop. Like at all. It just keeps filling up (thanks, baby) and you continuously fill up those cute adult diapers. Another thing I didn't experience the first time around. And I loved it. It was all so cool and interesting (no wonder I looove and am fascinated by birth). I continued to labor, moving around the house freely and trying various positions, with the help of Joel and Lisa alternating with hip squeezes and such. It was all so wonderful. There was so much love and support in the room. Our birth photographer, Millicent of Native Bloom Photography, was there capturing it all, hanging out of sight but in the most supportive way. She is such a gorgeous mama, inside and out, and we connected immediately when we met. I was so happy she could be part of the experience. By this time, the "back-up" midwife, Neena, had made her way to the house, adding an extra element of comfort and support. She was so calm and uplifting in her demeanor. She told me that Finn's head was acynclitic, meaning slightly tilted, which was stopping him from making his way down. We tried soooooo much. We tried it all; the miles circuit, rebozo, lunges outside of my house up the front steps for all the neighbors to enjoy, and holding a downward dog position for almost an hour. Neena rubbed my back the whole time. IT WORKED! HUZZAH! I cried again. We were all working together to make this happen. I was smiling in labor. Not many people say that, but it was just so wonderful. At this point, I had made my way back into the tub and, guess what....I was nine cm! HECK YES! GO ME. For real, that is one of the best feelings. They told me if I felt "pushy" I could try. I had really wanted to experience fetal ejection reflex but was willing to push. I didn't really feel like it was quite time yet, though. I hopped out of the tub and things really had seemed to slow down a lot. I was laughing and breathing easily, with intense contractions only coming every 5-10 minutes. This was not good. I decided to have Joel call Bethany (remember my favorite person above?) and she said she would be right over. She came to my house to adjust me. You just know that all these people actually care about you so much and want the absolute best for you. While we were waiting for Bethany, Mary checked my blood pressure again and it was high. Really high. Too high. With the most recent contraction, Finn's heart rate had dropped significantly. It came back up quickly, but both of these things together were not good. I knew what they meant. "Do I have to go to the hospital?" I asked Mary. "We think that would be the best and safest for you." I cried. She cried. Joel cried. We all cried together. We had worked so hard to get here and done everything we could. But, I knew this was what our birth story needed to be. At that moment, Bethany showed up and Joel went to update her on what was happening. After taking some time to regroup and process that we were transferring, I went inside to a somber, but supportive feeling in the house. Everyone felt that sense of loss that I had felt, which made me even more grateful to have everyone there. Bethany still gave me an adjustment, hoping that my blood pressure would lower enough when we arrived at the hospital that I could continue to labor. In my heart, I was very sure that my night would end in a C-section. Luckily, I had been there before and at least had the time to process this a bit before arriving at the hospital. We packed up a few things to take with us. I hadn't packed a hospital bag because I thought it was bad juju and didn't want to even think I would need to do that. But we knew Joel would be back to take care of the dogs and could grab whatever else we needed then. Lisa's back up doula, Lily, came to the house at this point. We had spoken on the phone, but hadn't met in person yet. At first, I was nervous about making this transition without Lisa or Mary, but Lily was so confident and calming. I knew we would be in amazing hands. Eliza had been picked up by her grandparents (thank you thank you thank you) so she was safe and well taken care of for as long as we needed. At this point, it was 9:30pm and we were getting in our cars to drive to Forbes. It was raining outside. I walked through the rain with ease, since my contractions had really slowed down. I sat in the required wheel chair and we headed to the front desk. Of course, nobody believed I was at 9 cm and had labored for 26+ hours as I sat there, smiling in my chair, letting them know why I was there. Everyone was confused, but thankfully Lily was able to explain everything and they took me up to triage. In triage, I asked if I could wear my own robe, which was met with discontent and eyebrow rolls. There was already an air in the room of "oh, one of those home birthers". It was really saddening. The nurse on call, on the other hand, was a sweet woman who apologized to me over and over saying, "I know you didn't want this". There was a glimmer of respect there. Beyond that, staff treated me very poorly. I was aggressively given an internal check, shocking in comparison to only having 2 prior (both done very gently and with asking for consent first). The painful and unwanted cervical check left me screaming and in tears. Not two seconds later did the doctor come in and ask to check me. I denied, referencing the on call midwife who had just done so. Apparently this was annoying, because I was met with yet another eye roll and less than supportive demeanor. At this point, I was taken into a labor and delivery room, where Finn's heart rate was again dropping with each contraction. At this point, I knew I was going to be headed into surgery. The doctor rushed in, with a heat of the moment tone, scolded me that there was no time for discussion, a c-section was happening. Because I had been unmedicated up to this point and an epidural would take took long, I was put under general anesthesia. I was so sad I would not hear his first cry, but we wanted him here and healthy. Joel was not allowed to come into surgery and they wheeled me away within seconds, leaving him behind without another word. Thank the lord Lily was there. The whole time, she advocated, and advocated, and advocated. She fought for every last right and consent. At a time when we felt overwhelmed and were trying to process, she was making sure we were protected. She sat with Joel as I was rushed down the hall while he cried for his wife, for himself, for his son, who all lost our peaceful ideal of birth. But with all that, came this sweet boy. A little, smiley, 8 lb 6oz nugget. I honestly don't remember the first time I held him, being in such a fog. Joel hovered him over my head as I came out of anesthesia. Thankfully, Lily made sure that Joel could hold him and do immediate skin to skin while I recovered. That was the perfect first bonding moment for them both. Being Covid, visitors were limited to 1 (other than our doula), so we didn't have any visitors during our stay. That was actually really lovely and helped allow me to relax and sleep without hosting a rotating door of guests everyday. I was so prepared for recovery, with all my birth kit needs at home and plans for postpartum doula help. The awesome thing was I felt like me. It was night and day from the first time around, when the baby blues hung around for about a year, morphing into PPA and PPD. I was so blessed this time around to feel happiness in those first weeks and connect with my baby. I could breathe and enjoy the moments of having Joel home with both our sweet littles. I didn't know what that was like before. Overall, despite not being able to birth in my home, it was still so much better the second time around. I felt in control, educated, and prepared. I knew there were risks and possibility of transfer, so I was ready to deal with whatever happened. Plus, I had the MOST KICK ASS birth team out there. Don't be afraid to take the reins for your body and your baby. It is about the health of everyone involved and birth does not have to be crazy or traumatic. If you have any birthy questions, I love to talk about it all. Send me a message and we can chat. You deserve to be supported and know that you are strong and capable! Yay babies! Birth Images by Millicent of Native Bloom Photography
Hospital images by Golden Lotus Fresh 48 images by me (and joel) Midwives- New Mercies Midwifery Doulas- Golden Lotus Doulas Chiro- Bethany Vankirk B Well Chiropractic Are you sick of screaming at your kids to just sit there and "say cheese"? Check out some of my simple tips for getting fun, relaxed photos of your kids and family!Pittsburgh family photographer, pittsburgh photographer, local family photographer, murrysville photographer, photography studio, pittsburgh studio photographer
Generational Mini Sessions- Mommy and Me Minis, Daddy and Me Minis, Grandparents and Me MinisOur Generational sessions are a great opportunity to involve grandma or grandpa with Mommy and Me or Daddy and Me sessions! With the beautiful studio boho set up, we can capture genuine interactions and the love between the women or men in your family! We ask that you keep it to 3 adults at most in one session, but you are welcome to purchase multiple sessions! Get mom and grandma in those pictures for memories everyone can treasure! You can purchase your requested time slot here for either April 24th or May 1st, 2021! Pittsburgh family session, murrysville family session, pittsburgh studio session, pittsburgh boho session, pittsburgh mini session, pittsburgh photographer, pittsburgh family photographer, pittsburgh studio photographer, murrysville family photographer
Jane: Pittsburgh studio sitter sessionHoly cow....can I just do sitter sessions ALL DAY EVERY DAY? I mean, if all kids were as happy and flipping adorable as Jane, my life would be complete. Look at her sweet, bright eyes and giant smile! I was obsessed with photographing her. Jane started out her modeling career with me as a newborn and is even that cover baby on my home page. She has only, somehow, continued to get cuter and cuter. I absolutely love bringing my babies back when they can sit up to show off that milestone as well as document how much they have changed. It is INSANE how different a baby looks only months later. These sessions are super quick, and I even provide all the cute little outfits, bonnets, headbands and set ups. They are such a great way to watch your baby grow and look back at that time when they were so tiny. Guess what...I even offer a FREE sitter session fee for a sitter session in my Murrysville studio for those of you who book a newborn session! I mean, it doesn't get better than that right? You can book any sessions here...so easy! And if there's a day you need to smile, just come back to this blog post for this gorgeous little lady.
Pittsburgh Maternity Studio PhotographerOkay, this momma was literally weeks away from giving birth to her baby boy at this point. Not fair, right? Plus, this was her third kiddo! GORGEOUS LADY! She was open to whatever I wanted to do, incorporating some fine art nude maternity photos and some more intimate, boudoir style maternity shots. I love a momma who loves her body and is proud of what it can do! It really is amazing and needs to be celebrated and promoted! We had a great time using the bed set up in the studio, while keeping it really simple and dreamy. One of my favorite things to do in my maternity sessions is to create exactly the look you want! That could be a fine art, studio set up with glamorous gowns or flowing fabrics and headpieces or an outside, cozy snuggle session with your partner and family in your favorite jeans or leggings! I think pregnancy is gorgeous in all forms and it really is so important to capture. It is such a fleeting moment in time and blip in the entirety of your time with that nugget. Being pregnant now, I forgot about those little kicks and all the great (and not so great) things that come along with a growing bump. What I do know is that I want this baby to see that mommy was proud of growing him and his family was so excited to welcome him to the Fitzpatrick party. OH AND GUESS WHAT! You get a FREE maternity session fee with a booked newborn session! Say what? I know, I'm nuts. Well come on, what are you waiting for? Let's go! Schedule your session now!
Baby Michael- Murrysville Newborn Photography StudioLittle Michael came to visit after his big brothers had a Valentine's Day mini-session with us. As you can see, he was a super chill baby and made the session so much fun. Because he was born on New Year, we even created a special composite image for his momma as a gift. He slept for most of the session, but we were even able to capture some of those sweet awake shots at the end. I love creating a diverse gallery for you in our studio, using all of our different props and outfits. It is a serious problem how much I shop for new stuff! :) I can't wait to help you create the newborn session you envision for your little bub! I am currently booking newborns through April and May before I go on a quick maternity leave! <3 pittsburgh newborn photographer, pittsburgh newborn session, pittsburgh newborn photography, murrysville newborn photographer, monroeville newborn photographer, greensburg newborn photographer, local newborn photographer, boutique newborn photography, props, studio session, pittsburgh studio, pittsburgh photo studio
Baby Celina was a superstar in the studio. She was giving us all the faces and was so super sleepy. I mean look at that smile!! Celina's mom found us on instagram and we had such a great time in the studio. Her dad is also a pro-football player, so of course, we had to incorporate that into our studio session. We made sure to get some awesome shots with his jersey. I love creating special memories that mean something to each of my clients based on what they want! That's why I love to know all about your home, the nursery, and colors or themes that you love! Whether it's sports, florals, or Harry Potter, we can make it happen! As you can see, this momma was totally fine with color, which made my day! I love when I get to mix in color and different themed set-ups! It is so crazy how different every single baby and every single session really is. Want to know more about our newborn sessions? Check out more galleries here! We also offer a FREE maternity session fee or sitter session fee with the booking of a newborn session. So, for real, what are you waiting for? Newborn, Murrysville studio, Pittsburgh, Murrysville, monroeville, baby girl, newborn photography, pink, baby headband, studio session, Pittsburgh newborn photographer, pittsburgh maternity photographer, pittsburgh birth photographerNico was such a sweet little guy and Mom and Dad said they were up for any colors which we love. With a Winnie the Pooh themed nursery we had to include that sweet set up of Nico and Pooh tucked in together. Nico's family loved that we offer wall art in GIANT sizes, so they were excited to order a gorgeous canvas for their home. I can't wait to see how this little guy grows! baby boy, newborn, photography, newborn photography, in studio, Murrysville, Pittsburgh, monroeville, Delmont, greensburg, pittsburgh newborn photographer, pittsburgh newborn photography, pittsburgh photography studio, murrysville newborn photographer, greensburg newborn photographer
We were so grateful to meet sweet baby Soren and his spunky sister, Everly. Soren was a hungry little man, he required several snack breaks. When you're that cute you can have all the snack breaks you want. I've had the amazing opportunity to watch Everly grow (check out her ADORABLE donut themed cake smash we did), and now I get the chance to do the same with Soren! I love growing closer with my families over time. The way I get to connect with people in my job is so insanely special and unique. newborn photography, newborn, baby, baby sister, murrysville, pittsburgh, monroeville, greensburg, delmont, / Pittsburgh Newborn Photography Session/ Pittsburgh Newborn Photographer/ Murrysville Newborn Photographer/ Greensburg Newborn Photographer
Not every day do we find a spunky one year old who LOVES cake!!! Everett was the sweetest little man, he was so smiley and giggly the whole time... accept for tub time. He was not the biggest fan of tub time, but that's nothing some bubbles couldn't fix. We had so much fun in our Murrysville studio! Everett's First Birthday Cake Smash Session- {Murrysville, Pittsburgh, Greensburg Cake Smash Studio Session}
Okay so you're super pregnant, you have pregnancy brain, maybe you have other littles running around the house, you're trying to function in your normal day to day...the last thing you have time to think about is what to bring to the hospital to prep for your coming baby. No worries, babe. I got you. I have created a simple and clear list of all the things you might need for yourself and your baby for your hospital visit. It is a checklist, so you can put your significant other in charge of making sure all those necessary items are checked off and packed! You're welcome! ;) Now all you have to do is enjoy that sweet little nugget about to enter your world! ![]()
I was not ready. I'll be honest about it. I was terrified. I was trying to grow my business and had no idea how that piece was going to jam into my puzzle of a life. Being pregnant was really hard on me. For someone who relies on being active as part of her lifestyle, the physical changes were very tough on my body and mind. My birth experience was less than ideal and I suffered from severe PPD for a year after Eliza was born. But guess what...I made it through with this tiny, amazing, spunky little human. She challenges me daily in the worst and best ways, but isn't that what life is about? Something inside me has literally changed and shifted where life without her is unimaginable. I get the chance to meet so many moms in what I do, be it new moms, second/third/fourth time moms, moms who've suffered losses, and families who've lost their moms. It is insane that I get welcomed into people's lives the way that I do, but I am so flipping grateful. It is unreal how grateful I am for my family and for all of YOU. I just had to celebrate some of the many moments I have gotten the opportunity to be a part of to say thank you and send high fives to all the badass moms out there.
But is he not the happiest one year old you've ever seen? Literally nonstop smiles...except for the cake part of the "cake smash". Like most babes, he was not.a.fan. But he didn't mind when daddy gave him a hand (or finger full of icing). That's why I like to include the neutral set up, some without the cake, and the tub splash! That way, they are bound to be a fan of at least one part! One is usually a tough age, as that is when they tend to develop "stranger danger", but man, Mr. Rocco was just a happy, friendly little man. What a sweetheart. I loved designing a neutral set, using grays, browns, and creams, just like in his newborn session. It really is such a pleasure watching these little grow and I can't wait to see how your personality continues to develop, buddy! <3 Now let's smash some more cakes!
In a time of uncertainty and worry, it is nice to take a break and reflect on the positives. I have been taking some time to go through old galleries and remember how amazing it has been to experience so many things with so many amazing families. I met this family when they booked me for their maternity session. They are such a sweet and down to earth family, and Miss Madison and I were obviously buds pretty quickly. I got the chance to capture the first time these siblings met at their Fresh 48 session at Magee Women's Hospital. The love in the room was thick. Oh, babies. You have my heart. And then they gave me all the feels when they emailed me saying "The photos are amazing, we will truly treasure them forever. I'm only sad that we did not have you in Virginia when our first daughter Madison was born. You have a gift for capturing the small details and precious moments that mean so much. "
... Cue crying emoji. I just really love my job and can not wait to get back at it. I hope everyone is hugging their families tight and enjoy this extra time spent together. Stay positive and find the good moments! Baby Maeve {Lovely Day Events Pittsburgh Newborn Photographer}- Newborn Photography in Pittsburgh-Murrysville, PA |
June 2023
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